Privacy policy

Updated: January 6, 2023

Our Commitment To You

At Money in Motion Ltd. , safeguarding your confidentiality and protecting your personal information is a primary concern. This Privacy Policy is our commitment to the protection of your privacy and any personal information you disclose to us. Please read the Accurate Leasing Privacy Policy carefully. By accessing this website, submitting information to Accurate Leasing or using the features of this website, you agree to the use of the information as it is outlined. If you do not agree with the use of personal information as outlined in the following Privacy Policy then please do not use this website and contact our office directly at + (1800) 461 8625.

The Collection and Use of Personal Information

We collect personal information such as name, address, contact information, date of birth, social insurance number and financial information. We use social insurance numbers for identification purposes only. We collect these numbers at the option of the customer, they are not required to complete a credit application. We use the information we collect to:

  • confirm identification;
  • assess creditworthiness;
  • provide leasing services to you
  • promote our leasing products.

The choice to provide us with personal information is always yours. However, your decision to withhold particular details may limit the services and products we are able to provide and make it more difficult for us to advise you or suggest appropriate alternatives. If we are unable to accommodate your request based on the information that has been provided, we may ask for additional details in order to identify other ways to be of assistance.

Disclosure of Personal Information

We do not sell information about our customers to others. Your personal information is a vital part of our ongoing business relationship with you. We will only disclose personal information:

  • On a confidential basis, to our agents, suppliers, funders and service providers, to complete the transactions initiated by you;
  • If the personal information forms part of an asset or a business that we sell or assign;
  • To protect and enforce the rights and property of Accurate Leasing;
  • To credit rating organizations;
  • For fraud prevention or the reduction of the risk of fraud;
  • If the disclosure is required or permitted by law; or
  • If you request or consent to the disclosure.

Cookies and IP Addresses

Our Web Site collects Internet Protocol (IP) Addresses for the purposes of system administration, to gather broad demographic information and to audit the use of our Web Site. We do not ordinarily link a user’s IP Address to personally identifiable information of that user, which means that each user’s session will be logged but remain anonymous to us. However, we can and will use IP Addresses to identify users of our Web Site when we feel it is necessary to enforce compliance with the Terms of Use and Disclaimer, when we reasonably believe it is required by law or to protect our service, our Web Site or other users on our Web Site.
We use cookies to help provide customized services and to allow you to register on our Web Site. You can choose whether to accept cookies by changing the setting of your browser. If you choose not to accept cookies, your experience on this Web Site may be diminished and some features will not work as intended.

Safeguards & Security

Accurate Leasing is a member of the VeriSign Trust Network (VeriSign). VeriSign is an independent organization whose mission is to deliver the highest levels of trust and security to our users by providing authentication of this Web Site and by securing the information that is collected on this Web Site.
VeriSign enables you to communicate with us via 128-bit Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption which protects the information you submit to us through our Web Site.
Accurate Leasing also provides appropriate physical, technological and organizational measures to safeguard personal information and to protect it from unauthorized access, deletion or alteration. This includes limiting employee access of personal information to those employees who have a business reason to know this personal information.

Company Privacy Policy

We are committed to meeting or exceeding the privacy standards established by Canada’s Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). The purpose of the Act is to regulate the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information by businesses in the private sector. As part of this commitment, we have followed the Ten Privacy Principles described in the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act to govern our actions as they relate to the use of personal information. The Ten Privacy Principles are as follows:

  • Principle 1 — Accountability. We are responsible for maintaining and protecting any personal information under our control.
  • Principle 2 — Identifying Purposes. The purposes for which personal information is collected shall be identified before or at the time the information is collected.
  • Principle 3 — Consent. The knowledge and consent of the customer are required for the collection, use or disclosure of personal information except where required or permitted by law.
  • Principle 4 — Limiting Collection. The personal information collected must be limited to those details necessary for the purposes identified by Accurate Leasing. Information must be collected by fair and lawful means.
  • Principle 5 — Limiting Use, Disclosure and Retention. Personal information may only be used or disclosed for the purpose for which it was collected unless the customer has otherwise consented, or when it is required or permitted by law. Personal information may only be retained for the period of time required to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected.
  • Principle 6 — Accuracy. Personal information must be maintained in as accurate, complete and up-to-date form as is necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it is to be used.
  • Principle 7 — Safeguarding Personal information. Personal information must be protected by security safeguards that are appropriate to the sensitivity level of the information.
  • Principle 8 — Openness. We are required to make information available to customers concerning the policies and practices that apply to the management of their information.
  • Principle 9 — Customer Access. Upon request, a customer shall be informed of the existence, use and disclosure of their information, and shall be given access to it. Customers may verify the accuracy and completeness of their information, and may request that it be amended, if appropriate.
  • Principle 10 — Handling Customer Complaints and Suggestions. Customers may direct any questions or enquires with respect to the privacy principles outlined above or about our practices by contacting the designated person accountable for privacy in the Corporation.

In assessing your creditworthiness and extending you credit, we disclose to and collect your personal information from credit reporting agencies, credit bureaus, financial institutions, your employer, and other creditors. We reserve the right to assign your agreement and your account to third parties who in turn also have the right of further assignment. We may disclose your personal information to such assignees to service your account accordingly. While continuing to serve your needs, now and in the future, we will use and disclose your personal information for as long as needed to fulfill these purposes and as required by the law. We look forward to continuing to serve your needs.

Questions & Concerns

Money in Motion is committed to continuous improvement and values your input. We welcome your comments and suggestions on improving our Privacy Policy. We strive to ensure that the information collected, used and disclosed is accurate and up to date. If you would like to review your own personal information, correct or revise existing information, or if you have any questions, concerns or comments regarding this Privacy Policy or it’s application, please contact us: